Pregnatol Multi + Active Folate contains 20 nutrients, carefully selected and adapted to the increased needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is intended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and its use is advised throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Folate belongs to the group of B vitamins and plays an extremely important role in the body, especially during pregnancy. Low folate levels are a risk factor for neural tube damage in the fetus. Folates contribute to normal amino acid synthesis, maternal tissue growth during pregnancy, and normal blood formation. The beneficial effect is achieved by an intake of at least 400 µg for at least one month before and three months after conception.
Folate and folic acid are essentially the same thing. The difference is that folate is the salt of folic acid, which is the form in which it is naturally found in foods. Folic acid is a chemical, synthetic form.
Pregnatol Multi + Active Folate contains Quatrefolic®, a natural, active form of folic acid, in the form of a natural glucosamine salt, just like in the human body. The synthetic form, folic acid, is less absorbed and used in the body, and some women cannot use it at all! It has been confirmed that 30 – 50% of women (depending on the country) do not activate and exploit folic acid in the body at all, because they do not have an enzyme that activates it. This ingested folic acid remains circulating freely in the blood, potentially causing side effects for both mom and baby.
Vitamins B9 (folate) and B12 play a role in cell division and contribute to normal psychological function, normal homocysteine metabolism, reduction of fatigue and exhaustion, and normal immune system function. In cooperation with vitamin B12, the folate coenzyme enables the conversion of the aforementioned amino acid homocysteine into methionine.
Pregnatol Active Folate + Vit B12 contains two natural, active forms of vitamin B12 – methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. They are naturally found in the body. Methylcobalamin – acts in the cell and adenosylcobalamin is found in all tissues and 20% in the blood. It plays an important role in energy production, contributing to the normal function of the nervous system and the normal metabolism of the amino acid homocysteine. These are active forms of vitamin B12 and that is why the body uses them immediately and completely without any harmful release of molecules.
The most common form of vitamin B12 in vitamin products is cyanocobalamin, a chemically synthesized form of vitamin B12. Chemically synthesized, cyanocobalamin in the body cannot be used, but must be activated through enzymes. During its activation, the cyanide molecule is released, which is harmful.
Pregnancy is a period in which a normal energy metabolism is very important. Magnesium, iron, copper, iodine and vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 and B12 contribute to the maintenance of normal energy metabolism.
Many processes that occur during pregnancy depend on the flawless work of hormones. Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity.
Pregnancy is said to be a ’’delicate condition’’ for many legitimate reasons. One of them is the increased need for vitamins and minerals. Biotin, selenium and zinc contribute to the maintenance of normal hair, while selenium and zinc contribute to the maintenance of normal nails. Iodine, zinc and vitamins B2, B3 and B7 contribute to the maintenance of normal skin.
Pregnancy is an important time. Time to take care of yourself, your health, satisfaction and happiness. A time for joyful anticipation and detailed planning. Because by taking care of herself, mom also takes care of her baby. That is why we have prepared everything that is important for a healthy pregnancy for you.
Pregnatol Multi + Active Folate contains 12 vitamins and 7 minerals, carefully selected and adjusted to meet the increased needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Quatrefolic is a salt of folic acid, which is the form in which it naturally occurs in food. It plays an exceptional role in the body during pregnancy.
Vitamin B12
Two forms of vitamin B12 – methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. The body immediately utilizes them without any harmful release of molecules.
Choline is a crucial nutrient during pregnancy.
Magnesium is of great importance for reducing fatigue and tiredness, as well as for the normal functioning of muscles and the nervous system.
From the second trimester, take 1 capsule daily, preferably after a meal.
In case of morning sickness, it is advised to take one capsule during lunch or dinner.
Folate intake during pregnancy is necessary for adequate development of the fetus and placenta and for the long-term health of the individual. Its deficiency can cause fetal pathologies, including neural tube disease.
The actual strategy adopted by European countries (including Italy) suggests that women take 0.4 mg of folic acid before conception.
The role of magnesium in biology is fundamental in over 600 enzymatic reactions involved in protein synthesis, mitochondrial function, neuromuscular activity, bone formation and immune system competence.
Vitamin B12 deficiency in pregnancy is prevalent and is associated with lower birth weight (birth weight <2500 g) and premature birth (gestation length <37 weeks).
Each capsule contains 150 micrograms of iodine.
Dark stool discoloration is possible due to the presence of iron. In Pregnatol Multi, iron is in the form of a chelate that is maximally utilized and creates the least gastrointestinal problems compared to other sources of iron, but stool discoloration cannot be excluded. Certainly, the discoloration of the stool is not a reason to discontinue the use of the product with iron.
The organic form of selenium, as well as choline, have a slightly more intense smell that resembles garlic, i.e. fish. If this smell causes nausea, it is recommended to take it with a meal.
Folate and folic acid are essentially the same. The difference is in the shape. Folate is a form of salt, in which it is naturally found in food, and folic acid is a chemical, synthetic form.
Folic acid, as a synthetic form, is less absorbed and used in the body, and as it has been proven, some women cannot use it at all. This is because they do not have an enzyme to activate it. Therefore, 30-50% of women do not even activate and use folic acid in the body. Folic acid that is introduced into the body remains to circulate freely in the blood, potentially causing side effects for both mom and baby.
Therefore, it is best to apply it in the form in which it is naturally found in foods, i.e. as an active folate.
Vitamin B12 plays an extremely important role for the normal function of the nervous system. It is involved in the formation of red blood cells – they cannot be properly created and multiplied without vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 contributes to the maintenance of normal energy metabolism as well as normal homocysteine metabolism.
Folates are found in many foods - green leafy vegetables, sprouts, fruits, brewer's yeast and animal products such as milk and dairy products, egg yolk and liver. However, the folates contained in food are unstable and susceptible to oxidation. They quickly lose activity during food processing, production and storage. The bioavailability range is 25-50%, depending on the type of food. Fresh leafy vegetables stored at room temperature can lose up to 70% of folate activity within three days, and the water cooking process can increase the loss to 95%. Humans cannot synthesize folates, and the body stores them only to a limited extent. Intake in the natural, active form of folate (the same form as in food) is much better than intake of chemically synthesized folic acid for a number of reasons. The most important thing is that in this way safe, complete absorption and utilization of all ingested folate is achieved.
Folic acid plays an extremely important role during pregnancy in metabolic functions in the cell. They also participate in many vital biological processes.
Folates are especially important during periods of rapid cell division and growth, such as during pregnancy when the fetus is growing.
It is extremely important to ensure adequate folate levels before conception and throughout pregnancy.